Automatic Electric Disappearing Stairs
Precision offers the best automatic stairway on the market. In the open position, it is as sturdy as any fixed stair and just as easy to climb with its 52 degree pitch. This unit can handle a 1000 lb. load without failure or deformation of treads. It is constructed of one-piece siderails of 7″ x .230″ aluminum channel and treads of 6″ x .225″ aluminum channel. The Automatic Electric Stairway can be opened or closed with a simple toggle switch. It can be equipped with a key operated switch in areas where security is important. These stairs can be fabricated with a custom frame to accommodate dropped ceilings. A warning buzzer to sound when the stairway is in motion is also an option. Standard on every Auto-Electric is battery backup power which allows the stair to be opened in the event of a power outage.

014 Page Color Brochure
02Specification for Auto Electric
03Video of Auto Electric
04Auto-Electric with standard box frame
05Key to drawing AE (above)
06Auto-Electric with deep angle frame
07Key to drawing AEA (above)
08Installation Instructions and O&M Manual