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Simplex for Ceiling Height of 9 Ft. 10 In. to 12 Ft. 0 In. with Deep Box Frame for Dropped Ceilings

Simplex for Ceiling Height of 9 Ft. 10 In. to 12 Ft. 0 In. with Deep Box Frame to Roof Hatch

Simplex for Ceiling Height of 12 Ft. 1 In. to 13 Ft. 6 In. with deep Box Frame for Dropped Ceilings

Automatic Simplex for Ceiling Height of 9 Ft. 10 In. to 12 Ft. 0 In. with Angle Frame for Dropped Ceilings

Automatic Simplex for Ceiling Height of 12 Ft. 1 In. to 13 Ft. 6 In. with Std Box Frame